Saturday, October 11, 2008

Silence That Lamb!

Are you at all familiar with Brooks Brothers? If not, it is a fancy schmancy clothing store geared towards people who use 'summer' as a verb. They do have cool suits and things, but they're clothing is definitely on the stuffier side for both business and casual wear. I was looking at their logo when I walked by the store downtown the other day though, and I became thoroughly confused. A sheep hanging from a ribbon? What does that MEAN!?!?!

Are they trying to say they only use the finest wools (and perhaps leathers)? It probably made more sense back in 1818, when the company was founded. I also noticed that an older logo had a skinnier looking sheep. The current sheep (above) is a little more puffy and cute. And it doesn't look as sad. But its still kind of weird.


Anonymous social worker said...

that's ridiculous, the best wools come from alpacas. not sheeps.
they should have hangin' alcpacas.
but then they are a lot harder to hang.

Anonymous said...

I work for Brooks Brothers and I know the sheep suspended in a ribbon is a symbol of British woolen merchants. "Dating from the 15th century, it had been the emblem of the Knights of the Golden Fleece, founded by Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy. In ancient Greek mythology, a magical flying ram."

Manthony said...

Thanks anonymous! There are so many logos and symbols we see on a daily basis that have these layers of meaning that get lost over time to the general population. And I like the idea of "the Knights of the Golden Fleece." I'm gonna have to look into them...