Thursday, September 11, 2008


I created a new word last night in the chip aisle at the grocery store downstairs: Ameradox. There we were (Bryn and I), surrounded by a veritable plethora of snacks. A wall of salty pretzels, chips, and puffs before us with our backs to another wall filled with sugary cookies. Unsurprisingly, Bryn didn't know what he wanted. When faced with an abundance of snacking choices, it suddenly became difficult to find one that was appealing enough. Fritos are too salty, and Cheetos are either too crunchy or too puffy. Regular Lay's potato chips are too boring, but Tim's Cascade Jalapeno Potato Chips are too spicy.

Do you think our ancestors really ever had to deal with this problem? You know, our hunter-gathering forefathers? I can't imagine them saying, "Gosh I don't think I want any wildebeest. Too tough and stringy. Do we have any frozen White Castles instead?" And so we are left with the American Paradox (or Ameradox) of wanting as many choices as possible while finding none of them to be satisfactory. No wonder the rest of the world thinks we are a bunch of self-indulgent spoiled brats! We want it ALL! NOW! GIMME! MIIIIIINE!!!!

Snotty wrote a blog yesterday about becoming desensitized to violence in the media. I think all of this is somehow tied together. Our news options are also so full that they are running out of compelling stories anymore. It's all been exploited so much that nothing is actually new anymore.


Anonymous social worker said...

THANKS for subscribing to my blog, you are the first one, lol,
I totallt undersantd this, TRUTH is I do think americans in general are spoiled, and this soming from a former non-american.
as for nacks
i gravitate towards the kettle cooked chips. they're yummy!

Snotty McSnotterson said...

Man, do I love me some chips.

Manthony said...

River: You are welcome, I've already found inspiration for various things on your blog. And yes, we Americans are really a bunch of spoiled brats.

Snotty: Chips are among the best inventions of the 20th century. Right above Einstein's Theory of Relativity.