Monday, April 28, 2008
I see the light!
I definitely need the break. I'm having trouble keeping up on my celebrity gossip. And snacks.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Super Secret Spy Picture #1
Craftsmanship & Modern Art
Tom Stoppard, from Artist Descending a Staircase. British dramatist & screenwriter (1937 - )
Saturday, April 26, 2008
busy like a bee
No, I haven't formed my own company (yet). Came up with a quick logo for my final Studio project that I'm putting together today. Also, above that is a version of one of the final concept floor plans. Nose to the grindstone today. I need to draw an interior perspective, but I'm probably going to put that off until tomorrow. Why? Because I can!
Friday, April 25, 2008
sacred space
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Roaming the City
Our Interior Studio class today involved of a field trip where we roamed downtown for several hours. One of the buildings we looked at was the 5th & Madison condo tower (shown above) which is next to the Central Library. It was... interesting. Not quite as luxe as I was expecting based on the location, marketing materials, price, and such.
Later I roamed with Mia (classmate) to the South Lake Union Discovery Center (aka Vulcan's real estate sales office) which was much more impressive and we also stopped at the Seva furniture showroom and tried out at least 80% of the chairs there. It was fun.
Then I ended up hanging with Snotty for a few hours and we split a bottle of wine and had a nice chat.
Did I get homework done today? Not yet. But was it a good day? YES!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Buried under piles of tracing paper.
Monday, April 21, 2008
I Like Mike
I've learned a lot about Michelangelo in having to do this though. He was the first artist to have a biography published during his lifetime. Pope Paul III praised him as, "the glory of our century." His work began in the style of the 15th century, developed into the epitome of High Renaissance, and at the end moved toward Mannerism and Baroque. He was not just a sculptor and painter, but also a poet, architect, and engineer. Basically, he kicked ass.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Peas as Large as Beets
The Aftermath
Hey, I did load and start the dishwasher this morning. That counts, right?
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Grandma Presley's Bed Linens
And you know how I like my snacks...
Interestingly enough, Miss Priscilla launched a line of bed linens in 2006. I'm sure you've heard of it. You know, the Priscilla Presley Collection? Oh, you haven't heard of it? Well, now you have! As Ms. Presley states, "We are out in the world fighting battles every single day and the one place you come home to is a place that is like your bedroom that is a sanctuary for you." (WTF does that mean?) In fact, of the nine lines in the collection's launch, one was inspired by a favorite pair of Priscilla Presley's pants. Might be the closest that the average Joe can get to getting into her pants. *shudder*
You can find out more about Priscilla's linens and other business endeavors on her site. She's also hawking such things as books, jewelry, and fragrances. Oh, and she offers beauty tips too! AND she's a Scientologist! Amazing! (Why am I writing this blog as if I'm Perez Hilton? I need to stop!)
Friday, April 18, 2008
Cher's Past Life
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Raspberry Stigmata?
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Drafting my cares away...
Well. Long day today, but productive. Had class all morning where we worked on hand-drafting out our floorplans with a mini side-lesson on elevations. Spent the rest of the afternoon at school finishing up my plans since I have two floors to worry about and I really needed to have all my dimensions finalized. I did take a break to go to my doctor appointment with my psychologist which was also VERY productive. Not the easiest day overall, but feeling good about having gotten so much done that I needed to work on. There is the possibility of a bbq tonight which sounds great, and even if it doesn't happen I actually feel more upbeat today than I have in a few days. Got some really good feedback on my cover letter for a museum internship I'm applying for from my professor, I never know what to say in cover letters or how long they should be. Luckily, she's got a PhD in art history and is not only writing me a reference letter, but had input about my cover letter too. No amazing snacks yet today, unless I count the Dagoba "latte" chocolate bar that Mia bought and split with me and Jasmine in class. Actually, it was pretty amazing and may have changed my life. But only temporarily.
Now I'm home, hungry, and gonna find something to eat!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Product Runway
I heart swag
Went on a field trip to the Knoll showroom today to learn from one of the textile reps. It was a really great experience. I mean, it doesn't get much better for me than sitting in a Barcelona Chair eating a ginormous chocolate chip cookie from Specialty's Bakery while holding the most luscious sample of $240/square yard mohair fabric. It had everything I needed: luxe design (visual), tasty snacks (yum), and fuzzy textured fabrics (tactile). But what was even better was that they sent us home with a goody bag with samples, notepads, businesscard-holder, poster, canvas tote bag, mousepad, pencil pouch, and catalog of classic furniture. Why can't every class be that great?
Monday, April 14, 2008
Christmas vs. Easter
The photoblog thing is more fun than actually writing about my day. Above is a sampling of my evening after my last blog. No actual schoolwork got done, but I did get to attend a product knowledge meeting and then eat a really good meatball sandwich. The parking sign has to do with my consistent observation of someone who seems to believe that loading zone parking signs don't apply to them. And it isn't like they do it because there isn't other parking available to them! I mean I could see for maybe fifteen minutes, but I think four hours in a space that is meant for quick loading/unloading is a little excessive... and disrespectful of others who need to use the buildings too.
Just Another Panic Monday
Of course, watching this YouTube video about the giant floating garbage patch of plastic in the Pacific Ocean didn't make me feel any calmer. (But it did help me procrastinate a little longer.)
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Weakend Weekend
Ran across the amazing Dead Rio artwork by Ryan Hobson above and had to share it. The other picture is just for contrast; in the mini-gallery show I'm curating in my head, these two images belong together for specific reasons. That aside though, can I just say that panang curry kicks ass? Every time I eat it, it changes my life. For the better. I swear.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Katherine Heigl - Smoking Hot! Or Not?
Wake Up
Thursday, April 10, 2008
In addition to the talk, the whole experience was sort of interesting since I left one of my classes early after giving a brief, informal presentation and then drove to the library (lazy) to make sure I wasn't late. I was a little sweaty and nervous still since I really don't like presenting in front of a group, and I also hadn't ever been in the parking garage under the library before. Nothing special, although the elevator is that same bright, neon green that shows up in the rest of the building. At least it was easy to tell where the elevator was, right?
Being trapped in a room full of, I assume, architects wasn't so bad as being trapped in there with all of their glasses. Good thing I didn't wear my black plastic Prada frames today, because I might not have been able to tell myself apart from anyone else! Well, except that I was probably the only person there in a hooded, zip-up sweatshirt. Whatever. I'm a student. I paid the same ten bucks for a ticket as everyone else! It was just strange to be at a lecture that also felt rather like a cocktail party. Not like everyone was dressy, but most everyone was DESIGNY.
Also, I found out yesterday that I did get a departmental scholarship, and that I was also one of the eight people (out of forty-three awards) who was named a Kreielsheimer Scholar. This is significant for two reasons: 1) It means I get a bigger award; and 2) It embodied the closest I can get at this point to my high-school dream of winning the Kreielsheimer Scholarship. The "K" Foundation used to offer one full-ride scholarship to Cornish annually back when I was in high school, but I was chicken and never even applied for that, let alone to Cornish. So, now that the "K" Foundation is mostly defunct (it is now something like the Kreielsheimer Residual Fund Foundation since they met their goal already of giving away a bunch of money within a certain timeline) this is the best I can do on that front. And I did it. Word up.
Ice Ice Baby
Ran across an old article from 2005 about "The Seattle Freeze." Also found a YouTube video about it too. As someone who grew up around here, I would say that it is definitely true. It was best summed up by Julia Sommerfield in the article with: "Polite but distant. Have a nice day. Somewhere else." It has also been referred to as the Seattle nICE. Outwardly friendly and polite, but hard to get past that initial interaction. If you are a person who depends on social interaction and are thinking about moving here, be warned! It may take a while to form a network of friends.
I have the feeling it might be easier to make friends if you are well-off. (There are plenty of smug yuppies here.) Is it the weather? A sense of Scandinavian stoicism from early settlers? Native American ghosts bent on getting revenge? Poor socialization?
The strange thing pointed out in the article is that "since the '90s, this city has been majority owned by outsiders," with 60% of the population having moved from out of state. I guess even if we are socially inept loners, we are adept at assimilation. It really explains the shy/wild thing, huh?
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Saarinen Song
Eero became an architect like his father, and ended up doing such things as the St. Louis Arch, and the terminal at Dulles shown above in the teeny-tiny bottom left photograph. He also shaped the modern furniture movement with his "womb" and "tulip" chairs especially; he was quite a prolific designer.
Susan Saarinen told about how "Charlie" Eames was her godfather, and had many interesting insights into the family's internal dynamics. The women were also prolific designers, Eliel's wife Loja and daughter Pipsan worked on many of the interiors of their buildings. Interestingly, the generation gap shows there also because Loja generally created one-of-a-kind pieces while Pipsan was interested in the manufacturing process. (Conveniently, Florence Schultz Knoll was an intimate of the family also. And Harry Bertoia. Among others.)
How do I sign up to be a member of this family? Not only does it have the only father/son team to both receive AIA Gold awards, but Kyra Sedgewick is Susan's cousin, meaning that she knows Kevin Bacon. How awesome is that when playing Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? "Let's see, um, me. And then Kevin Bacon." Forget naming movies and actors, if you know Kevin Bacon you've already won.
Maybe for Christmas I will ask to be inducted into an international design family who has a background in the European intelligensia of the late 19th century. They can totally be Finnish, but I will accept other countries too. I don't want to seem too picky.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Now Hear This!
I have a personal theory that any local beachings of orcas in the Puget Sound region are likely the result of distraught animals trying to escape fleets of whale-watching tour boats. I'd love to go on one of those tours, but isn't it a little too much like joining the paparazzi on a stakeout at Britney Spears' mansion? (See, I knew I could get back to celebrity gossip if I tried!)
I saw the sign!
The public has a right to know!
Other than that, my day of healthy eating yesterday led me to wake up at 7:30 this morning without my alarm. Shocking. I forgot that eating better makes it easier for me to get up in the morning. I was completely prepared to sleep in until 9, so here I am, blogging my morning away instead. Much more productive, don't you think?
Monday, April 07, 2008
Joan Van Who?
And I'm befuddled by Perez's fascination with Rumer Willis. Sure, she seems silly, but he is essentially assisting in the creation of her as a non-celebrity. You know, like Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie, who became famous based more on who their parents were than on any innate talents aside from shameless self-promotion and hard-pAArtying lifestyles.
I guess I can be glad I'm not buying magazines like Star or US Weekly. I would try to quit, but I've already got a lot of other things going on and I need a crutch of some sort to get me through these difficult times. Online celebrity gossip doesn't seem to be as bad as shooting heroin or shopping for clothing made out of endangered species.
Oh, and John Mayer made out with Perez? First Jessica Simpson and now this! Ewwww!
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Help the Airline & Oil Industries!
Seriously: It's pure, evil genius. Airlines finally have figured out a way to profit on the one thing they specialize in: gross incompetence.
Emo Eating vs. Burlesque Bodies
My long, hard day of work yesterday ended with both an unsettling observation and the need to come to a coworker's rescue (two separate events). Since Bryn ended up staying at a friend's last night out in Redmond, I had the place to myself. Of course this meant I could be as depressed as I wanted about all things work-related, and after a brief stab at cleaning the apartment, I ended up in bed watching South Park with a glass of wine, crackers and salmon dip, White Castle cheeseburgers, and ice cream. Sadly, to anyone who knows me well, that is fairly predictable.
Then, since I was still feeling down today, I went with an ex to Taco Time for lunch and tried to drown my sorrows with mexi-fries and sour-cream-dressing. It was only mildly successful, but it did give me enough energy to go to school and work on some drawing. And ultimately, it only added to my sadness since I realized that mexi-fries are not the way to a well-toned body.
My dad randomly wanted to go to a Moisture Festival performance last week so he bought tickets and he and his partner met me at ACT Theater on Friday at 10:30 pm. We were amazed and amused by all of the performers. I had no idea what neo-burlesque was. And it was pretty freaking cool that there were so many "circus-like" acts too. Lots of aerial wonder on display, and even if people didn't actually strip down much, there were quite a few bodies being showcased by clingy fabrics and sparkles.
I was really impressed by a group of four guys called Nanda who did some sort of karate-esque routine where they were all fighting each other and ripping off clothes incrementally until they were just in their underwear. Their act also involved juggling and the transfer of a denim coat from one person to the next that was intriguing. Plus they were all in amazing shape with rippling ab muscles. Sadly, I'm starting to resemble that pregnant man who was on Oprah, so I might need to kick it into gear and start with that exercise plan I've been making noise about for a while now.
Shoot, I'm going to have to walk my talk and DO IT. If I don't, I'll just be emulating the source of my recent troubles. Well that puts it in perspective. (Note to self: Start running tomorrow. And wean myself off of fried foods and back onto vegetables.)
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Seattle's Classiest Companions
Friday, April 04, 2008
race in your face
I just finished reading a Seattle Times article about how a "Colorblind" generation struggles with race, in response to the recent speech given by Obama about race.
It was a fairly tame article overall, but what struck me was a quote by a 30 year-old white woman named Amy Olsen who said, "I'm all for programs that help people who've been disadvantaged. But race doesn't make you disadvantaged. Poverty makes you disadvantaged." She also talked about going to college and how suddenly she felt left out, "...all of sudden, I felt like a really boring white person. I didn't have anything cool about me, I was just plain Jane."
I'm sure it was difficult for her to go from being part of the dominant culture where she felt comfortable that everyone she interacted with would be racially/socially similar to her (she's from Kirkland), but for her to say that being disadvantaged is an economic issue only, is pretty naive.
I grew up thinking I was white and it was a big shock to me when I started to realize in middle school that people could tell I wasn't entirely white. I mean, I knew I was part Native American, but the physical image I had of myself in my head didn't match my actual physical self. I've never experienced any overt racism, but I would definitely say that there is intense pressure to live up to a Euro-American physical ideal that is everywhere in the media. It has affected me, and a lot of my non-white friends. Why is being "all-American" only identified with being white?
To Amy Olson, I have one thing to say, "Amy, you might be a boring white person, but there are a lot of advantages that come with being a boring white person. Own it."
On aging...
I always have great ideas about what to write when I've either A) just posted a blog already, or B) am too tired to write because it is 2am and I need to go to bed.
The only firm thing I recall wanting to address today is my upcoming birthday. As it gets closer to the middle of June when I will kiss my twenties goodbye, I think that I am mostly okay with it. I always used to joke that I figured my thirties would be way better because it seemed like they would be what I had expected out of my twenties. I think I actually half-believed that. (Now I'm down to about ten percent.)
As much as I am looking forward to being taken more seriously, I am also still a little terrified of aging. I can tell that my metabolism has gotten the memo that things will be changing. Why? Because they've already started changing! Seeing how my father has aged has been really tough too. He's no longer the vibrant, engaged man he was when I was a child. At 70, the man who I knew as my father has turned into someone else. Sometimes there are flashes of him from before, but they come less frequently than they used to.
I'm not even going to be in town for my birthday this year, I leave a few days before it to spend two-and-a-half weeks in the wilderness at the Pilchuck Glass School. Was it just a few years ago when a birthday was just another excuse for a pub-crawl? What happened to the person who declared he was never going to, "get old and stop going out all the time." My semi-wild past has been replaced by a need to become responsible and professional. And as I get older and take on new perspectives about everything, I realize how little most of the everyday stuff I do matters, and how important it is to really make choices to do things that I believe in.
Does this sound depressing? It isn't. I have a sense of nostalgia for the past, but I don't feel a desire to try and appear to be something that I'm not. It might be disturbing to watch myself age physically, but it is a natural and (for the moment) unavoidable process. Plus, I really like learning and growing intellectually. I'm glad to be past that time of youthful arrogance when I thought I knew everything, or at least could figure it all out.
And I'm also getting beyond the need to feel like everything I do has to be perfect. For a long time I let that keep me from doing anything, since my expectations were so high that there was no way I could live up to them. More recently I just would get stressed out because I started knowing what I was capable of doing and recognized that it was good, but then I would overextend myself. Saying, "no," is difficult for me. Luckily (or not) I've been getting some good practice lately. I'm looking forward to a time in the future where I will accurately be able to recognize a situation as negative before I get into it, instead of accepting what people say at face value.
It'll all work out. I've got a few good years left at least, right?
Thursday, April 03, 2008
"No offense," said the nine year-old
Today I saw this movie for the second time at the Pacific Science Center. You know what? I liked it better this time. Perhaps because I was accompanied by two very enthusiastic people, Snotty, and her nine year-old son.
It still made me want to go river-rafting. Although preferably with an experienced guide.
I also better realized exactly what I didn't like about it the first time. It had this whole patronizing tone towards Native Americans. Like they talked about the Anasazi very briefly without putting them into any context. I mean, if a massive drought is what probably caused them to disappear, that is rather different than the various dams that are blocking the Colorado River and the 30 million people who use it as drinking water (to say nothing of the farmers using it for irrigation). I'm just sayin!
Plus there was a hokey voiceover with a lady talking as the 'spirit of the river' or something. And they HAD to have the one and only (according to them) authentic Native American river guide and continually use voice clips of her talking about her deep connection with the river. I don't doubt she has a connection with the river, but I'm sure there's more to her than that. The two daughters of the guys leading the expedition got plenty of screentime in skimpy swimwear splashing about, or perched on the prow of a boat with their golden locks glistening in the sun as they cruised the rapids, reenacting the taming of the Western frontier. They were like an American Eagle advertisement. I guess at least they were sticking to stereotypes all around? And of course, there were no black people. Probably because they are smart enough to know better than to strap themselves to a boat and float 1000 miles through the Grand Canyon.
Enjoyed a crab sandwich afterwards with Marika and Oren at the Broadway Grill, and Justin eventually joined us. They had some sort of promotional event/fundraiser going on where they were locking up local 'celebrities' and trying to raise money to get them bailed out. People were dressed as cowboys and there was a lot of raucous laughter going on. I'm still not sure what was happening.
We stopped at QFC before they headed home and the highlight of my day was when Oren saw a tall, skinny, effeminate guy at the service counter and said, "Now HE'S gay!" And then turned to me and said, "No offense."
OREN IS NINE! It was hilarious. I was like, "Hey, none taken. That guy certainly is gay. He's got a purse, which is something I prefer not to carry around. But good for him." (If that guy wasn't gay, he should have been. Just in case, I will bestow upon him the title of honorary gay.)
Ah, to be nine again.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Design Rules Redux
Reading them again made me realize how a lot of what he suggests are simply good rules to live by in general.
I've definitely been thinking a lot lately about integrity in the workplace and where to set my boundaries about what I can and cannot live with personally. Once I get out of school, what kind of environment do I want to work in? How do I start moving towards that goal right now?
The rules that strike me most at this moment are:
- Do work you can be proud of.
- Work for clients and bosses you like and can be proud of. Show sleazebags the door.
- Don’t lie.
- Understand that your audience is not you (and learn who they are), but always treat your audience how you would want to be treated.
- Generate ideas constantly. Write down every idea.
- Design can happen first, even before a need or problem is identified.
- But design isn’t just “a good idea”. It’s a good follow through, too.
- Make ‘em think: Don’t be afraid to be a snob. Some people just won’t get your idea without thinking about it. Some people just don’t want to think. But those who do will appreciate being challenged.